Comprehensive Assessment
of Psychopathic Personality:
– Self-Report-
The CAPP concept map provides an explicit definition of psychopathic personality disorder, as such it provides the underpinnings for any measurement procedure or operation designed to characterise or quantify the disorder in an individual. Different measurement approaches, including detailed clinical interview, staff-rating scales and lexical ratings have been available for some time. Recently a self-report instrument has been developed (CAPP-SR, Sellbom & Cooke, 2020; Sellbom, Cooke, & Shou, 2019). The development of the CAPP-SR is described in the manual (link below).
In brief the CAPP-SR is a 99-item measure; participants rate each item on a 4-point scale (False, Mostly False, Mostly True, and True). The 33 CAPP symptom scales consist of mean aggregates of their three items, with scoring ranging from 0-12 for each.
The English-language version of the CAPP-SR is freely available to use for research purposes with the assumption that ethical treatment of research participants is adhered to and that the research is conducted with integrity using acceptable standards in the field. There is no need to contact the authors to use the English-language version for research purposes although we would be interested to hear about projects in progress.