As part of her PhD research on violence risk assessment, Liselotte Pedersen carried out research on the reliability and predictive validity of the CAPP-IRS in a forensic psychiatric setting. Liselotte’s PhD research was supervised by Prof Peter Elsass and Prof Kirsten Rasmussen.
Study results published in:
Pedersen, L., Kunz, C., Elsass, P., & Rasmussen, K. (2010). Psychopathy as a risk factor for violent recidivism – investigating the Psychopathy Checklist Screening Version (PCL:SV) and the Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality (CAPP) in a forensic psychiatric setting. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 9, 308-315.
For more information contact:
Dr Liselotte Pedersen
Senior Researcher
Psychiatric Research Unit
Region Sjelland
Smedegade 10-16
4000 Roskilde
T: +45 23 71 57 57
Liselotte Pedersen is an authorised clinical psychologist in Denmark. She obtained her PhD at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. She has worked and carried out research in forensic psychiatric settings and primarily published in the areas of violence risk and personality disorders. She is currently a Senior Researcher at the Psychiatric Research Unit, Region Zealand, Denmark
For more information contact:
Dr Liselotte Pedersen
Senior Researcher
Psychiatric Research Unit
Region Sjelland
Smedegade 10-16
4000 Roskilde
T: +45 23 71 57 57