The CAPP was translated into Danish in 2006 by Camilla Kunz and Liselotte Pedersen. The Danish translation is currently under validation and as with the original CAPP version and other translations, the Danish version is for now intended for research purposes only.
For further information or for copies of the Danish translation of the CAPP, please contact:

Dr Camilla Kunz
Psykiatrisk Center Nordsjælland
Afdeling Frederikssund
Døgnafsnit 5541
Frederikssundsvej 30
3600 Frederikssund, Denmark
Liselotte Pedersen is an authorised clinical psychologist in Denmark. She obtained her PhD at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. She has worked and carried out research in forensic psychiatric settings and primarily published in the areas of violence risk and personality disorders. She is currently a Senior Researcher at the Psychiatric Research Unit, Region Zealand, Denmark.

Dr Liselotte Pedersen
Psychiatric Research Unit
Region Zealand
Smedegade 10-16
4000 Roskilde, Denmark
T: +45 23715757
Camilla is an authorised clinical psychologist in Denmark. She obtained an MSc and PhD at Glasgow Caledonian University and finished her studies in Denmark with distinction. She has worked on various research studies during and after completing her PhD and is currently working at a psychiatric hospital, undertaking treatment of patients and conducting staff supervision. She is also supervising students conducting their MSc thesis at Copenhagen University.