


For her Master’s thesis, Eva Stoll assessed the validity and reliability of the CAPP-IRS in a sample of incarcerated adult male offenders and forensic patients. Eva was supervised by Dr.Hanna Kroon-Heinzen, . The study was further accompanied by PD Dr Christian Huchzermeier and Prof Dr Dipl.-PsychDenis Kohler.


The study examined the reliability, validity and practicability of the German version of the CAPP-IRS in a small sample of German adult male forensic psychiatric patients and adult male prisoners of a high security state prison. A correlational research design was used, based on a multi-trait-multi-method analysis. The study included the evaluation of the relationship of the CAPP-IRS to a measure of psychopathy (PCL: SV), risk for future violence (HCR-20), trait anxiety (STAI-T) and normal range personality dimensions (NEO-FFI), and to measures of Cluster B personality disorders (SCID-II). The promising results of the study are discussed in light of the construct validity of psychopathy. Furthermore, initial experiences in the application of the German Version of the CAPP-IRS in institutional settings (forensic psychiatry and prison) are discussed critically. Implications for future research are provided.

Study results published in:

Stoll, E., Heinzen, H., Köhler, D., & Huchzermeier, C. (2011). Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality (CAPP): Validity and practicability of the German version. Frankfurt am Main, Germany: verlag für Polizeiwissenschaft.


For more information contact:
Dr Hanna Kroon-Heinzen
Knooper Weg 33
24103 Kiel



As part of her Master’s thesis at Christian Albrechts University Kiel, Kathleen Fittkauis conducted a prototypicality study on the validity of the German version of the CAPP using both expert and lay samples. The research is supervised by Prof Dr Thomas Bliesener and Hanna Heinzen, M.Sc., with Dr Mette Kreis, University of Edinburgh & NHS Forth Valley, Scotland, as external advisor.


For more information contact:

For more information contact:
Dr Hanna Kroon-Heinzen
Knooper Weg 33
24103 Kiel

