The Netherlands
As part of her Master’s thesis in Forensic Psychology, Maartje Clercx is conducting a study examining the content validity of the English version of the CAPP in juvenile populations. A further goal is to examine gender differences in psychopathic traits in juveniles, and contribute towards the gender-specific content validity of the CAPP in juvenile forensic patients. The methodology employs the use of prototypicality analysis and focus groups with a sample of juvenile forensic psychology and psychiatry experts. The research is supervised by Prof David J. Cooke, Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland; Prof Dr Corine De Ruiter, Maastricht University, the Netherlands, and Dr Lorraine Johnstone, Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland.
For more information contact:
Ms Maartje Clercx
Forensic Psychology Postgraduate Student
Faculty of Psychology and Neurosciences
Maastricht University
The Netherlands